The first two stories deal with Developments in Mississauga where the proposal calls for towers significantly in excess of heights, shadow, or setbacks that the City is prepared to accept. Each of these developments is very different from 4099 even though we have some similar arguments against the 4099 re-development.

Insauga story: Massive 9 tower development that would bring 4,690 units to Mississauga rejected Note unlike 4099 "While intensification and growth are encouraged for land near transit — this property is near a future LRT stop"
"a major concern is the shadow the tall buildings would cast on the neighbouring homes. And the proposal does not meet the city’s standards for sun shadow studies."
“The sheer size and scope is staggering,”
"eight apartment buildings, ranging in height from 28 to 42 storeys with ground floor commercial space, one 45-storey mixed-use building and eight blocks of townhouses containing 120 dwellings. A total of 4,690 units was proposed"
"the owner has taken the proposal to the Ontario Land Tribunal on the basis of the city’s non-decision. A hearing is scheduled for March 2024."

Insauga story: ‘Bizarre’ 26-storey residential building proposal rejected in Mississauga Note: Unlike 4099, "The development is in an area targeted for intensification."
"there isn’t enough information on parts of the proposal. The first issue is there are 18 locations where the building would create unsafe wind conditions for pedestrians"
"The building plan doesn’t meet the Ministry of Transportation setback requirements. It won’t be safe and there won’t be enough space for outdoor space for the building."
"Right after a public meeting on the project in March, the developer went to the Ontario Land Tribunal for a non-decision. Staff recommended rejecting the proposal in its current form and councillors agreed at a meeting this week."
See also:

"A proposal for a 35-storey residential tower, that would dramatically change a Mississauga neighbourhood"
"But this area in Cooksville will likely see several new developments in the coming years including a possible five-tower residential building project also near the Cooksville GO Station.
"The proposal for 3115 Hurontario St. includes 431 units with 297 one-bedroom units, 125 two- bedroom units, and nine three-bedroom units, according to a planning report submitted to the committee."