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Formal Petition to the City of Mississauga

Don Barker, a member of the 4099 Redevelopment Opposition Group,  organized a petition that was filed with City Hall on June 15, 2023. The petition has 242 pages, with 2876 names. Thank you to all who took the time to sign and show their support for our cause. The petition includes signatures from all 11 wards. Don made a deputation at the Wednesday June 28, 10:00 am Council Meeting, where he presented and explained our petition. A number of members of the 4099 Opposition Group attended and lent their support to his five minute presentation at the Council Chambers. Councillor Matt Mahoney responded, contrasting the difference between a NIMBY response to development (which this isn't) vs. this reasoned response by the whole community to a "Fort Knox" development that destroys walkability and livability and doesn't meet the need for affordable housing in Mississauga.



Don Barker's Presentation/ Explanation of our petition at City Hall!

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2023 AT 10:00 AM


Link to Agenda and .pdf Slide Presentation


Recording of Don Barker's Presentation and Response by Councillor Mahoney

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