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Quality In Our Backyards
in Erin Mills South
Save our Shops and Services at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway
Save Our Shops & Sevices: Our Bank, Our Grocery Store, Our Ice Cream Shoppe, Our Hair Salon, Our Vet, Our Pharmacy, Our Pizza Shop, Our Bakery, Our Pasta Shop, Our Dentist, Our Medical Centre, .... Erin Mills was carefully planned 50 years ago to have walkable amenities: shops and services for each of the neighbourhoods (outlined in yellow in image from "Erin Mills New Town")
Join our Group then Offer Your Help to Oppose this Poorly-planned Development
3. Read the Documents to see how this proposed Development is poorly planned.
4. Think about which politician you should challenge.
5. Write a Letter
1. Draft form e-mail to City and Councillor
2. Draft form e-mail to MPP Sheref Sabawy
3. Draft form e-mail to MPP Sheref Sabawy respecting his door-to-door flyer February 2
4. MPP Sabawy flyer re building Developments, Bill 23, and City of Mississauga
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