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How to Write a Letter to Your City Councillor

If you are concerned about the Application by QUEENSCORP to develop the Michaelangelo's/Iqbal Plaza you may wish to write a letter to your Ward 8 City Councillor, Matt Mahoney or to other City Councillors, or to the Planning Department for the City to let them know how you feel.


You may also wish to write a letter to your City Councillor about proposed changes to the Mississauga Official Plan in 2025. The rules in the Official Plan (the version in force at the time of their decision) govern the analysis and decisions made by City Planners and City Councillors. If for example, there is a rule in the Official Plan that requires a Developer to replace 100% of retail and services after re-development, then the City Planners and City Councillors will think differently than if there is a rule in the Official Plan that requires a Developer to replace 65% or 12% of retail and services after re-development.


If you can't write your letter in English, write the letter in your language. The City can get it translated.


Your letter may make a difference. Your object  is to respectfully convince the decision-maker that:


1. you live in Mississauga near the development ["I reside on Trellis Crescent" or "I am a homeowner on Folkway Drive" or "I am a tenant in a townhouse on Ferrier Court"].

2. that you understand that a development is planned for 4099 Erin Mills Parkway.

3. that you have read some of the documents filed by the Developer with the City.

4. that you are a responsible citizen who cares about your community and the needs of other people who live in that community, including the need for more affordable housing in Mississauga.

5. that you oppose the Application as it is currently proposed.

6. that you have good reasons for that opposition.

7. that you are willing to carefully consider amendments to the Application made by the Developer as time goes on.


Suggestions for Format of the letter:


Your Name

9999 Trellis Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 2M1


Tel.: 999-9999



Today's date: March xx, 2025




Matt Mahoney, Councillor Ward 8

Mississauga Civic Centre
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1


[or another City councillor or


City of Mississauga Planning Department

Mississauga Civic Centre
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1]



Re: OZ/OPA 22-25 W8 application by QUEENSCORP (ERIN MILLS) INC

4099 Erin Mills Parkway

Dear Madam or Sir:


I am a resident of Trellis Crescent in Ward 8. I oppose this application as proposed to date by the Applicant, QUEENSCORP.


I have had an opportunity to read some of the documents filed by the Applicant with the City Planning Department respecting the proposed development at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway. I have concerns with respect to the following document [or documents][mention the name of the document e.g. Traffic Impact Study – November 2022.


[There are many documents that you might want to write about. Here are some other documents you might have concerns about :


  1. Addendum to Pedestrian Level Wind Study – November 2024

  2. Parking Justification Letter – November 2024

  3. Retail Market Study – Peer Review Response – November 2024

  4. The Shadow Studies in the Re-submission

  5. Arborist Report – November 2022

  6. Building Elevations A – November 2022

  7. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report – November 2022

  8. Housing Report – November 2022

  9. Noise Feasibility Study – November 2022

  10. Planning Justification Report – November 2022

  11. Retail Market Study – November 2022

  12. Shadow Study Analysis – A810 – November 2022

  13. Site Servicing Plan – November 2022]


I am very concerned about .....


The authors of the above report did not consider ...


The Developer could make a better proposal that includes ...


[Add some background information to show that you are a concerned responsible citizen who has lived here for awhile.]


I acknowledge that we have a need for more affordable housing in Mississauga. Housing is a human right in Canada. In-filling of available spaces with new housing is appropriate, but that in-filling should not reduce the ... [mention what is important to you] in the centre of planned residential neighbourhoods. I suggest that in-filling of spaces in Erin Mills can be done in a creative manner that is consistent with the original plan for Erin Mills and the existing Official Plan.


It is important to note that Erin Mills was, and is, already a well-planned community that began in April 1969. That plan developed over many years but throughout its evolution has offered “one of the most imaginative planned communities on the continent.” My family and I chose our home on Trellis Crescent, in the Arbour Green [or Pheasnt Run or Old Burnhamthorpe or other] neighbourhood, largely because of that planning, the green space/trails in our neighbourhood, and the walking-accessibility to shops and services in our neighbourhood.


Thank you for this opportunity to let you know how I feel about the Application. Please put me on the mailing list so that I can attend all information meetings.


Yours very truly,


Your name [and signature]


E-mail your letter to:



or another City Councillor




or mail your letter to:


Mississauga Civic Centre
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1



Save Our Essential Shops & Services, Our "Main Street" in Erin Mills South

This site is not connected with the City of Mississauga, any Applicant or representative. Any views stated are for the purpose of facilitating public information and stimulating discussion. You can do something by writing an e-mail to the City! Those who are highly motivated may wish to visit the Mississauga Library (Erin Meadows and Technical Services branches) to do their own research on the history of Erin Mills, including reading and study of the book Erin Mills New Town.

©2024 Save Erin Mills South Main Street. Proudly created with

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