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References Respecting Age Friendly Communities and Walkability

1. Kelly G. Fitzgerald MPA PhD & Francis G. Caro PhD (2014) An Overview of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Around the World, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 26:1-2, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2014.860786


"To remain active in a community, older people rely on various forms of transportation other than private automobiles. These include public transport, senior transportation services, and walkable neighborhoods (MetLife Mature Market Institute, 2013)."


"Walking is a form of transportation regularly used by those who live in densely populated areas and can be particularly important for those who do not drive. Walking can also be a central strategy in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. In the United States, “Complete Streets” policies are one way in which some communities have implemented changes to work toward improving the walkability of an area (Lynott et al., 2009). The Complete Streets initiative encourages transportation planners to consider roadways from the perspective of all users including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities (National Complete Streets Coalition, 2013). Complete Streets promotes pedestrian safety, healthy lifestyles, and clean air and reduces the need for fossil fuels."


2. Dilip V. Jeste, Dan G. Blazer, Kathleen C. Buckwalter, Keri-Leigh K. Cassidy, Len Fishman, Lisa P. Gwyther, Saul M. Levin, Christopher Phillipson, Ramesh R. Rao, Ellen Schmeding, William A. Vega, Julie A. Avanzino, Danielle K. Glorioso, John Feather,
Age-Friendly Communities Initiative: Public Health Approach to Promoting Successful Aging,
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,
Volume 24, Issue 12,
Pages 1158-1170


"A university-promoted community collaboration showed that more walkable neighborhoods with interconnected streets to shops, restaurants, services, public transportation, and parks led to residents getting more exercise, resulting in a reduction in poor health outcomes such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.65"


"Pleasant and clean environment, green spaces, place to rest, age-friendly pavements, safe pedestrian crossings, accessibility, walkability, cycle paths, age-friendly buildings, adequate public toilets, features for older customers. Active recreation and leisure opportunities to be physically and mentally active, including parks and other outdoor exercise venues, senior centers, libraries, theater and sports, museums, art galleries, and accessible shops."


3. "Mississauga Gets Grant to Promote Age-Friendly Community"


"The Transportation Department is working with the Planning Department to support walkable neighbourhoods and suggested encouraging participation/ minimizing barriers through promotion of cycling routes and other means.



4. Creating a more inclusive Ontario: age-friendly community planning guide for municipalities and community organizations



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