Quality In Our Backyards
in Erin Mills South
Save our Shops and Services at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway
Save Our Shops & Sevices: Our Bank, Our Grocery Store, Our Ice Cream Shoppe, Our Hair Salon, Our Vet, Our Pharmacy, Our Pizza Shop, Our Bakery, Our Pasta Shop, Our Dentist, Our Medical Centre, .... Erin Mills was carefully planned 50 years ago to have walkable amenities: shops and services for each of the neighbourhoods (outlined in yellow in image from "Erin Mills New Town")
Proposed Parking at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway
The image below is an excerpt from a pdf filed by QUEENSCORP with the City of Mississauga. You can find the full document prepared by Turner Fleischer at Ward 8 Applications - Documents re 4099 Erin Mills Parkway . It is listed as "Underground Level 1 - November 2022", "W8_4099_Underground_Level_01_November_2022". Click on the image for full document.
The image below is an excerpt from a pdf filed by QUEENSCORP with the City of Mississauga. You can find the full document prepared by Turner Fleischer at Ward 8 Applications - Documents re 4099 Erin Mills Parkway . It is listed as "Underground Level 2 - November 2022", "W8_4099_Underground_Level_02_November_2022". Click on the image for full document.
The image below is an excerpt from a pdf filed by QUEENSCORP with the City of Mississauga. You can find the full document prepared by Turner Fleischer at Ward 8 Applications - Documents re 4099 Erin Mills Parkway . It is listed as "Floor 1 - November 2022" "W8_4099_Floor_01_November_2022.pdf". Notice that there are only 2 retail spaces (pink) of about 4429 and 3928 square feet respectively with 26 retail parking spaces between them. Click on the image for full document.