Quality In Our Backyards
in Erin Mills South
Save our Shops and Services at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway
Save Our Shops & Sevices: Our Bank, Our Grocery Store, Our Ice Cream Shoppe, Our Hair Salon, Our Vet, Our Pharmacy, Our Pizza Shop, Our Bakery, Our Pasta Shop, Our Dentist, Our Medical Centre, .... Erin Mills was carefully planned 50 years ago to have walkable amenities: shops and services for each of the neighbourhoods (outlined in yellow in image from "Erin Mills New Town")
Draft Letter to City and Councillor
By clicking on the link below, where it says "Generate a Draft E-mail to City Planning" your computer or mobile device, depending on its settings, may be able to generate a draft e-mail to the City Planning Department and to Councillor Matt Mahoney respecting the proposed Development at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway. You will then edit the e-mail in your e-mail software if it is linked as a default within your computer or mobile device. You then send the e-mail using your own e-mail software at your convenience. It may not work on your computer or mobile device. Please edit the draft carefully before sending it to the City or the Councillor. Customize it to fit what you want to say. Please advise Stephen Biss if this e-mail generator needs improvement. My hope is that this will assist some residents of Erin Mills South who need help in drafting letters.
By clicking on the link above, your computer should generate an e-mail with a subject line about 4099 Erin Mills Parkway to the City Planning Department and to Councillor Matt Mahoney that looks like this in the body. You could also copy and paste if that is easier.
[You should edit this draft e-mail to make it personal to you.]
City of Mississauga
Planning Department
And to:
Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
My name is [enter Your Name].
My address is:
9999 Your Street or Crescent,
Mississauga, ON
L5L 2M1
[Enter your full street address so they can mail you information about meetings. They also need to know that you reside near the proposed Development].
My telephone number is: 905-999-9999 [Enter your phone number so they can phone you about meetings.]
I am a resident of [Your Street or Crescent] in Ward 8. I oppose this application, as proposed to date, by the Applicant, QUEENSCORP.
Please place me on the mailing list for any community meeting or opportunity to be heard.
I have had an opportunity to read some of the documents filed by the Applicant with the City Planning Department respecting the proposed development at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway. I have a number of concerns. [Delete any that don't apply to you or add your own]:
1. The Application is inconsistent with the original Erin Mills Plan which created the neighbourhoods of Pheasant Run, Arbour Green, and Olde Burnhamthorpe, all served by a "neighbourhood shopping centre" at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway. These 3 neighbourhoods are served by one "finder street", Folkway Drive, which is a circular "minor collector" connecting the crescents and other short streets within each neighbourhood, to the major "spine" (Erin Mills Parkway) and the thoroughfares / "major collectors" (Winston Churchill, Glen Erin, Burnhamthorpe) . Folkway Drive has only two outlets in Arbour Green and only two outlets (through Sawmill Valley Drive) in Olde Burnhamthorpe. Folkway Drive, is not an east-west thoroughfare like Eglinton, Burnhamthorpe, Collegeway, and Dundas and so is not a suitable location for high-density housing. It is, however, the planned location for a "neighbourhood shopping centre" serving the residents of the three neighbourhoods with walkable groceries, retail shops, and essential services. The original plan for Erin Mills, and the plan as it evolved over the years, provided for low-density housing in these three neighbourhoods, with some medium-density housing immediately surrounding the "neighbourhood shopping centre." High-density apartment-style housing was planned and was built in the area of Erin Mills Centre along Eglinton and on Burnhamthorpe and Collegeway (near South Common and the university).
2. The Application proposing multiple high-density mid-rise buildings doesn't fit the surrounding housing with respect to height or density.
3. I acknowledge that we have a need for more affordable housing in Mississauga. Housing is a human right in Canada. In-filling of available spaces with new housing is appropriate, but that in-filling should not reduce the number of existing prospering retail shops and services, that are walkable, in the centre of planned residential neighbourhoods. The Application ignores the importance of the existing neighbourhood shops and services to our health and well-being. We can walk to these shops. There is currently only one vacancy among the shops. The existing shops need to be safe-guarded in any revised plan by the Applicant.
4. The Application doesn't specifically include affordable family-sized units. The Application, as proposed, does not address the Premier's concern and the City's concern that we need to build more affordable family-sized units.
5. The Erin Mills/Folkway intersection is already dangerous for cars and pedestrians. The Applicant has no plan for berm or trees to control noise and protect pedestrians.
6. The Application contains no study respecting additional traffic and re-routed traffic (for Olde Burnhamthorpe residents) on Sawmill Valley Drive. There is no traffic study of the intersection of Sawmill Valley Drive and Burnhamthorpe Road or the intersection of Sawmill Valley Drive and Mississauga Road. The Application does not contemplate the impact on children attending the two schools on Sawmill Valley Drive.
I understand that we need more affordable housing in Mississauga but this plan is inadequate. The Application should be rejected at this time.
I am open to reviewing revised plans by the Developer.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this planned development in the context of the existing carefully planned neighbourhoods of Erin Mills South. It is important to note that Erin Mills was, and is, already a well-planned community that began in April 1969. That plan developed over many years but throughout its evolution has offered “one of the most imaginative planned communities on the continent.” (See "Erin Mills New Town" A Proposal by Don Mills Developments Limited April 1969, Foreward by A. E. Diamond)
Yours very truly,
[enter Your Name or Signature]
Draft Letter to MPP
By clicking on the link below, where it says "Generate a Draft E-mail to Your Member of the Legislature" your computer or mobile device may be able to generate a draft e-mail to Sheref Sabawy, MPP for the riding of Mississauga-Erin Mills in the Provincial Legislature respecting the proposed Development at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway. You will then edit the e-mail in your e-mail software if it is linked as a default within your computer or mobile device. You then send the e-mail using your own e-mail software at your convenience. This generator may not work on your computer or mobile device. Please edit the draft carefully before sending it to MPP Sabawy. Customize it to fit what you want to say. Please Stephen Biss if this e-mail generator needs improvement. My hope is that this will assist some residents of Erin Mills South who need help in drafting letters.
By clicking on the link above, your computer should generate an e-mail with a subject line about 4099 Erin Mills Parkway to Sheref Sabawy, MPP, that looks like this in the body. You could also copy and paste if that is easier.
[You should edit this draft e-mail to make it personal to you.]
Sheref Sabawy, MPP
Mississauga-Erin Mills
4181 Sladeview Cres, Unit 40
Mississauga ON L5L 5R2
My name is [enter Your Name].
My address is:
9999 Your Street or Crescent,
Mississauga, ON
L5L 2M1
[Enter your full street address. The MPP needs to know that you reside near the proposed Development in his riding].
My telephone number is: 905-999-9999 [Enter your phone number so he can respond to you by phone or advise you of a community meeting.]
I am a resident of [Your Street or Crescent] in your riding of Mississauga - Erin Mills. I oppose this application, as proposed to date, by the Applicant, QUEENSCORP.
I am deeply concerned that Bill 23, as applied to this Development Application, and its impact on the jurisdiction of the City of Mississauga, will negatively impact the residents of and the voters in Mississauga - Erin Mills. The City of Mississauga must decide this Development Application within the four corners of its obligations under Bill 23. Because of Bill 23, the City will not be permitted to make a fair and comprehensive, evidence-based decision that protects the existing, thriving, profitable businesses at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway and that results in the building of the affordable family-sized housing that Mississauga needs.
1. Your government has set a new housing target for Mississauga and made a series of other changes to lower municipal fees and make it cheaper and easier for Developers to build homes, without any requirement that the homes to be built are actually cheaper and easier for families to move into. There is no plan, for example, in the housing study for 4099 Erin Mills Parkway for the Developer to access federal CMHC or provincial Ministry of Health funds to encourage affordable or supportive housing. The result will be increased profit and ease for the Developer, but the home units built will have high-end pricing, if they are family-sized.
2. The Developer plans to eliminate the existing thriving grocery store and 18 other "neighbourhood shopping centre" shops and services including the dentist, the ice-cream shop, the pharmacy, the photo shop, the bank, the vet, the bakery, the pizza shop, the convenience store, the small restaurants, the pasta shop, the medical centre and more. It is important to note that this "neighbourhood shopping centre" has been a walkable, thriving Main Street for the Arbour Green and Olde Burnhamthorpe neighbourhoods since Erin Mills South was built. Currently, there is only one commercial vacancy. There is a great deal of pedestrian access to the current plaza through the system of trails and walkways. There is adequate parking. The Developer intends to replace this thriving marketplace and meeting place with 2 retail shops of about 4000 square feet each with minimal parking for shoppers.
3. The buildings proposed by the Developer are far too high and too dense to fit the surrounding neighbourhoods. The City, as a result of Bill 23, will be required to maximize the number of housing units built at the site and make approval for the Developer easier, without balancing the rights of the homeowners in the surrounding low-density neighbourhoods, and without fitting any new housing Development into the context of original Erin Mills plan: “one of the most imaginative planned communities on the continent.” (See "Erin Mills New Town" A Proposal by Don Mills Developments Limited April 1969, Foreward by A. E. Diamond.) The practical effect of Bill 23, as applied to the this Application by QUEENSCORP, will be a disaster for the local residents and an expensive infrastructure nightmare for the City of Mississauga and the Region of Peel. My taxes will rise.
I request that you intervene on my behalf with the Premier and the Minister to mitigate the disastrous effects of Bill 23 as it applies to this Application by QUEENSCORP.
I acknowledge that we have a need for more affordable housing in Mississauga. Housing is a human right in Canada. In-filling of available spaces with new housing is appropriate, but that in-filling should fit the surrounding community, perhaps with medium-density housing being added to the existing commercial plaza. I understand that we need more affordable housing in Mississauga, but this plan is inadequate.
I am open to reviewing revised plans by the Developer after your intervention with the Premier and the Minister.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this planned development in the context of the existing carefully planned neighbourhoods of Erin Mills South, that are the heart of your riding. Your constituents need your intervention.
Yours very truly,
[enter Your Name or Signature]