Quality In Our Backyards
in Erin Mills South
Save our Shops and Services at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway
Save Our Shops & Sevices: Our Bank, Our Grocery Store, Our Ice Cream Shoppe, Our Hair Salon, Our Vet, Our Pharmacy, Our Pizza Shop, Our Bakery, Our Pasta Shop, Our Dentist, Our Medical Centre, .... Erin Mills was carefully planned 50 years ago to have walkable amenities: shops and services for each of the neighbourhoods (outlined in yellow in image from "Erin Mills New Town")

Notwithstanding the original 1969 "Erin Mills New Town" plan for TWO "Neighbourhood Shopping Centres", in the north third of Erin Mills South, only one (as indicated by the circle) was built at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway.
Send an Email to the Official Plan Review Team at the City of Mississauga
Since it was built in the 1970s, Michaelangelo’s Plaza, Iqbal Plaza, at 4099 Erin Mills Parkway, has been commercial, not residential. It is the ONLY centre of shops and services within the boundaries of EMSRA. Today it is the home to at least 30 thriving businesses that provide walkable shops and services to the residents of Erin Mills South. All of these shops and services are essential to our 3000 homes in the same way that the main street small businesses, of Port Credit and Streetsville, provide essential shops and services, to the residents of Port Credit and Streetsville. The City of Mississauga recognizes the importance of maintaining existing walkable shops and services in Mixed Use zoning within its Official Plan.
Use this email generator to support the submissions made by EMSRA by writing a letter to the Team responsible for drafting the new Mississauga Official Plan. Feel free to modify and edit it as you wish. This email is drafted from the perspective of those who feel that any re-development must maintain the same amount of commercial space for shops and services. Once generated (you might have to click more than once on a mobile phone and it only works on some devices), you can change the wording to fit your own perspective. Your ideas for improvements in the letter are welcome.
Click the pdf icon below to download a copy of the EMSRA submissions for your reference.
Alternatively you can draft your own email to official.plan@mississauga.ca and , if you like, copy and paste any part of the following:
​Amina Menkad
Project Lead
City of Mississauga
Ben Phillips
Project Manager
City of Mississauga
Reference: New Mississauga Official Plan 2051, meeting March 24, 2025
I am [delete if inapplicable: both a land owner and] a resident in Mississauga. I reside in Ward 8 [on xyz Street] in the planned community of Erin Mills. As noted in the "Draft Mississauga Official Plan 2051 - Comment table, Response to Comments Matrix" OP Staff Response at item #1:
"7. Policy commercial uses within neighbourhoods are crucial to the completeness
of these communities. In many areas within the City more, and not, less retail is needed
within walking distance to residences to increase walkability and reduce car dependency."
Erin Mills, particularly Erin Mills South, in the neighbourhood where I live, near Iqbal Plaza, is such an area where "more, and not, less retail is needed within walking distances to residences" for the reason stated.
I therefore support, and incorporate herein as my own submission, the "EMSRA Official Plan statement" sent to your office on February 14, 2025 by the Board of Directors of the Erin Mills South Residents Association. Reference https://www.emsra.ca/post/mississauga-official-plan-emsra-comments .
Please treat this letter as a formal submission that forms part of the Record that goes before the Planning & Development Committee on March 24, 2025, before Council on a later date, and before the Minister on their review consideration. I consent to release of my name and address for purposes of the Public Record.
Thank you,
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your e-mail address]
Amina Menkad
Project Lead
City of Mississauga
Ben Phillips
Project Manager
City of Mississauga
I am [delete if inapplicable: both a land owner and] a resident in Mississauga. I reside in Ward 8 [on xyz Street] in the planned community of Erin
I oppose the changes to the February 2024 version of the draft Official Plan sections (a) and 11.3.2, contained in the January 2025 draft.
Section 11.3.2, from the February 2024 version, has been eliminated entirely in the January 2025 version. It previously read:
11.3.2 Redevelopment within Mixed Use, Mixed Use Limited, and Downtown Mixed Use
designated lands that results in a loss of non-residential floor space, will not be
permitted unless it can be demonstrated that the planned function of the non-
residential component will be maintained or replaced as part of the redevelopment.
Section has been heavily modified to permit Developers, on re-development, to dramatically reduce existing walkable and cyclable shops and services. The new (a), as re-drafted by you, will govern planning decisions 1. in already "Planned Communities" such as Erin Mills and 2. notwithstanding an existing shortage of neighbourhood shopping centres or convenience commercial areas for shops and services.
Erin Mills South will be hard hit by this new policy, because existing, and future residents need, but won't have adequate walkable shops and services. Small businesses will suffer. Mixed Use sites that have, de facto, always been commercial in nature, will be changed into condo towers that increase population, but significantly reduce available shops and services for every resident, new and existing.
From my home, I can walk or cycle to the neighbourhood shopping centre to [edit to say what you consider essential: obtain groceries, visit my pharmacy, dentist, bank, veterinarian, etc.]. My neighbourhood of [enter your neighbourhood e.g. Arbour Green, Olde Burnhamthorpe, Sawmill Valley, Bridlepath/Promontory] has ONLY ONE walkable “Mixed Use” area for the essential shops and services required:
"to create complete communities with destinations that
are close enough for walking and cycling to be the most attractive
option." (See “Mississauga Official Plan 2051” February 2024 at
There are no walkable “Convenience Commercial” areas in my neighbourhood. [delete if you reside in Pheasant Run]
I recognize that Mississauga needs new and infill housing that is affordable. Housing is a human right in Canada. However, new housing should be built in locations with walkable amenities and should not destroy existing residential neighbourhoods by removing most of their existing walkable shops and services.
I request that you restore sections (a) and 11.3.2 to their February 2024 version.
Thank you,
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your e-mail address]