"candidates Dipika Damerla, Stephen Dasko and Alvin Tedjo are taking part in a debate moderated by CBC journalist David Common. The event runs from 6:30-7:30 p.m."
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This is not a news source. This resource provides links to Canadian and other news sources to encourage informed discussion.
For more information respecting this database or to report misuse contact: Allbiss Lawdata Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 905-273-3322. The author and the participants make no representation or warranty whatsoever as to the authenticity and reliability of the information contained herein. WARNING: All information contained herein is provided for the purpose of discussion and peer review only. Construction of this resource of links to Canadian news sources was necessary in view of the suppression of Canadian news by various social media platforms. Our purpose is to encourage fair discussion of Canadian news, in particular, among residents of Erin Mills South.