What is the ​Youth Criminal Justice Act?
Do I Need a Youth Court Lawyer?
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Notice to Parent
There is an obligation on the police to provide a Notice to the parent of a young person respecting his or her first appearance in Court. The Youth Court wil normally deal at the first possible opportunity with the question of whether or not the Notice has been properly served. The Court will frequently waive the Notice if the parent is present yet service of the Notice was somehow defective.
The police don't always get the Notice right. Phone a lawyer in advance for more information about what you should do. .
Notice in case of arrest or detention
26. (1) Subject to subsection (4), if a young person is arrested and detained in custody pending his or her appearance in court, the officer in charge at the time the young person is detained shall, as soon as possible, give or cause to be given to a parent of the young person, orally or in writing, notice of the arrest stating the place of detention and the reason for the arrest.
Marginal note:Notice in other cases
(2) Subject to subsection (4), if a summons or an appearance notice is issued in respect of a young person, the person who issued the summons or appearance notice, or, if a young person is released on giving a promise to appear or entering into an undertaking or recognizance, the officer in charge, shall, as soon as possible, give or cause to be given to a parent of the young person notice in writing of the summons, appearance notice, promise to appear, undertaking or recognizance.
Marginal note:Notice to parent in case of ticket
(3) Subject to subsection (4), a person who serves a ticket under the Contraventions Act on a young person, other than a ticket served for a contravention relating to parking a vehicle, shall, as soon as possible, give or cause to be given notice in writing of the ticket to a parent of the young person.
Marginal note:Notice to relative or other adult
(4) If the whereabouts of the parents of a young person are not known or it appears that no parent is available, a notice under this section may be given to an adult relative of the young person who is known to the young person and is likely to assist the young person or, if no such adult relative is available, to any other adult who is known to the young person and is likely to assist the young person and who the person giving the notice considers appropriate.
Marginal note:Notice on direction of youth justice court judge or justice
(5) If doubt exists as to the person to whom a notice under this section should be given, a youth justice court judge or, if a youth justice court judge is, having regard to the circumstances, not reasonably available, a justice may give directions as to the person to whom the notice should be given, and a notice given in accordance with those directions is sufficient notice for the purposes of this section.
Marginal note:Contents of notice
(6) Any notice under this section shall, in addition to any other requirements under this section, include
(a) the name of the young person in respect of whom it is given;
(b) the charge against the young person and, except in the case of a notice of a ticket served under the Contraventions Act, the time and place of appearance; and
(c) a statement that the young person has the right to be represented by counsel.
Marginal note:Notice of ticket under Contraventions Act
(7) A notice under subsection (3) shall include a copy of the ticket.
Marginal note:Service of notice
(8) Subject to subsections (10) and (11), a notice under this section that is given in writing may be served personally or be sent by confirmed delivery service.
Marginal note:Proceedings not invalid
(9) Subject to subsections (10) and (11), failure to give a notice in accordance with this section does not affect the validity of proceedings under this Act.
Marginal note:Exception
(10) Failure to give a notice under subsection (2) in accordance with this section in any case renders invalid any subsequent proceedings under this Act relating to the case unless
(a) a parent of the young person attends court with the young person; or
(b) a youth justice court judge or a justice before whom proceedings are held against the young person
(i) adjourns the proceedings and orders that the notice be given in the manner and to the persons that the judge or justice directs, or
(ii) dispenses with the notice if the judge or justice is of the opinion that, having regard to the circumstances, the notice may be dispensed with.
Marginal note:Where notice is not served
(11) Where there has been a failure to give a notice under subsection (1) or (3) in accordance with this section and none of the persons to whom the notice may be given attends court with the young person, a youth justice court judge or a justice before whom proceedings are held against the young person may
(a) adjourn the proceedings and order that the notice be given in the manner and to the persons that the judge or justice directs; or
(b) dispense with the notice if the judge or justice is of the opinion that, having regard to the circumstances, the notice may be dispensed with.
Marginal note:Exception for persons over the age of twenty
(12) This section does not apply to a person who is alleged to have committed an offence while a young person, if the person has attained the age of twenty years at the time of his or her first appearance before a youth justice court in respect of the offence.