What is the ​Youth Criminal Justice Act?
Do I Need a Youth Court Lawyer?
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This database contains digests of most of the age 12 to 15 sentencing dispositions made by the Provincial Court (Family Division) Youth Court Judges sitting at the Judicial District of Peel at Brampton, Ontario from the implementation of Phase I of the Young Offenders Act on April 1, 1984 until mid-1994. This report has held certain parameters constant such as offence, age, absence or presence of a previous record.
The database was prepared as the result of a co-operative effort of various members of the Peel Young Offenders Act Implementation Committee beginning in 1983. Through the Ministry of Community and Social Services - Probation and Associated Youth Services of Peel in Mississauga and Brampton, non-identifying material was provided to Stephen Biss for entry into the database.
The dispositions digested in this report have been ranked in order of severity, i.e. by type of disposition, length of disposition, and length of probation in months. The order of severity used is ABS DIS (absolute discharge), CON DIS (conditional discharge), CON SUS S (suspended sentence), CSO (community service order alone), PROBN (probation alone), PROBN+CSO, [FINE], [OPEN] custody, [SECOPEN] (combination secure and open custody), and [SECURE] custody. RECORDC in some tables indicates whether or not the offender had a previous Youth Court record.
You may need to slide the table to the left to see the range of dispositions, including the length of the disposition and the number of months of probation, in the table. If you slide the row you can also see whether or not the offender had a prior record. Click on a case​no number to see more non-identifying detail on that case.
450 | ABS DIS | null | 0 | 14 | No |
3524 | CON DIS | HR 25 | 3 | 14 | No |
1884 | CON DIS | HR 30 | 0 | 14 | No |
1556 | CSO | HR 30 | 0 | 14 | No |
9282 | CSO | HR 48 | 15 | 14 | No |
744 | PROBN | null | 9 | 14 | No |
8834 | PROBN | null | 9 | 14 | No |
8008 | PROBN+CSO | HR 25 | 6 | 14 | Yes |
8975 | PROBN+CSO | HR 25 | 12 | 14 | No |
9210 | PROBN+CSO | HR 30 | 12 | 14 | No |
9011 | PROBN+CSO | HR 30 | 12 | 14 | Yes |
602 | PROBN+CSO | HR 35 | 12 | 14 | Yes |
8660 | PROBN+CSO | HR 75 | 15 | 14 | No |
646 | [FINE] | $0040 | 0 | 14 | No |
491 | [FINE] | $0050 | 12 | 14 | Yes |
8408 | [OPEN] | (TISR | 12 | 14 | No |
7695 | [OPEN] | DA 30 | 12 | 14 | Yes |
5157 | [SECURE] | DA 10 | 0 | 14 | Yes |