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Warning: This database is out of date. Use it to find a section number and statute name and then check currency at either Canada legislation site or Ontario legislation site.

Legislation Sections Database at for:


Penalties/Suspension on Conviction, Prohibition

Lookback Periods for Provincial Suspension

Highway Traffic Act of Ontario

Section number:


Lookback Periods for Provincial Suspension

(2) In determining whether a conviction is a subsequent conviction or an additional subsequent conviction, as the case may be, for the purpose of clauses (1) (g) and (h), the only question to be considered is the sequence of convictions and no consideration shall be given to the sequence of commission of offences or whether any offence occurred before or after any conviction.

(3) Clauses (1) (g) and (h) do not apply when the subsequent conviction is more than 10 years after the previous conviction.

(3.0.1) Despite subsection (3), when the subsequent conviction is within 10 years after the previous conviction, all previous convictions that were not followed by a 10-year period without a conviction shall be taken into account for the purpose of clauses (1) (g) and (h).

(3.0.2) Despite subsections (3) and (3.0.1), a conviction that was more than five years before the date on which this subsection comes into force shall not be taken into account for the purpose of clauses (1) (g) and (h).

Lookback 10 years, with some exceptions
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