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Case Briefs Database at
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This is a database of lists of cases including cases connected to particular criminal law issues. You can read the full text for most of the cases listed by visiting https://www.canlii.org/. If you are a law student, student-at-law, or a lawyer and you have additional cases that should be added to this list, please contact us at the email address at the bottom of this page.

www.defencecounsel.com/Criminal-Law-Case-Brief/{name of case} in file Cases2(Title)
Brief Information About This Case
For full text visit https://www.canlii.org/. Full text may also be available at a private search company. The author's notes on some of these cases can be found linked from the Full List of All Cases in Alphabetical Order.
R. v. Weir
1983 CarswellAlta 447, 56 A.R. 144
McGillivray, C.J.A., McClung, J.A., Lomas, J. (ad hoc)
Who Won?
Appeal allowed, conviction entered